Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Khloe is 3 months

Our sweet little miss Khloe is 3 months new. I cannot believe how quickly time has gone. Khloe is sleeping 10-12 hours a night which has made it nice for me this past month. It makes me sad to know the 3 month mark is here because it means in just a few short weeks I go back to work and not only have to get up early, but also have to leave my baby (but at least it's only with nini). I am so blessed to have my mom! She is amazing and I couldn't possibly ask for a better babysitter because no one (besides Jake and I) could ever love my kids more than she does. I love how close all of my kids are to my parents and I love that they love going to their house so much! It reminds me of how close I was to my grandparents growing up. Each day I drop my kids off at my moms I know they are making memories they will cherish their entire life.

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