Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

We had planned to picnic on Easter but the weather did not cooperate so after hunting eggs at our house and checking out their Easter baskets we ended up going to Josh and DeAnna's to BBQ. The weather ended up clearing up over there so the kids were able to hunt eggs with their cousins too.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

36 weeks pregnant with Khloe

Just 4 more weeks to go until Khloe will be in our arms and we will go from being a family of 4 to a party of 5.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hallie's First Big Boo Boo

We always say Hallie is our child that is going to give us a run for our money...Well at 19 months just a few short days after she began climbing (on everything), she decided it was time to climb out of her crib. Needless to say, her first attempt was a success which led to a late Sunday night trip to the ER. She ended up having a broken clavicle. She has to wear a sling and be wrapped in an ace bandage for 3 weeks but it should be completely healed in 6 weeks. I guess Hallie just wanted to make room in the crib for new baby sister who will be here in just 3 weeks. Here are a few shots of Hallie at the hospital emergency room.