Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hallie is 21 months

At 21 months Hallie has become quite the character! She loves to sing and be silly and she even laughs at herself when she knows she is doing something funny. She never ceases to put a smile on my face or anyone else's for that matter. If Hallie sees anyone sad or upset she gives them kisses and loves and asks "whats wrong?". She calls herself "Haddie Girl" and counts to 5. She loves Barney and Mickey Mouse Club House and Elmo. She is always happy and easy going just like Nana. It is like God gave us a little piece of Nana through Hallie. What a blessing!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Make Believe

I love being of fin the summer with my kids. This summer has been a blast because Hallie is finally old enough to play more with Jacob and he loves having a little side kick (most of the time). Today the kids spent most of the afternoon playing dress up. At first Hallie was afraid of Jacob's spiderman costume, but when he played like he was the superhero that was saving "White" (what Hallie calls Snow White) she decided he was pretty funny. After a while Hallie wanted to put on her princess ballet leo. Once she had it on I told her to dance around and lift her leg like a ballerina. Instead, she kicked her leg and yelled "Kiah!" which is what she sees Bubba do at karate. That is so our little Hallie. She loves all things girlie but plays like a boy. Gotta love the imagination kids have!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Karate Kid

After just 3 short weeks of karate Jacob is improving so much! Here are a few pics from this week. He is so much fun to watch.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fairy Tale Town

Today we headed to Fairy Tale Town with a big group for a play day. There were so many kids we must have looked like we had our own preschool class. Even though it was a chore keeping track of all the kiddos, everyone was very well behaved and the kids had a blast!